Ring the sound of strength to dying breath.
Sing the song of tears to the still bird.
Fill out the faith of young believers.
Spill in to heal the soar of the meek.
Ignite the zeal of the feeble bones.
Unite the broken piece of old lad,
Whose resilience was never dew.
Woe to sudden ending of dune.
Drink the oath from the basket of water.
Spring the hope of fainted spirit alive.
Beat the drums that dance our heartbeat.
Read this poem to the one that says “I’m tried”
Review of this new poem written by Okoro Amarachi Anastasia.
Pen Name: I. C Amar.
This is a poem of Twelve Lines, three stanza each. The theme of the poem is found in the words of encouragement given by the poet to her fellow youths so is struggling with life and tired of life. The poem points out the need for people should maintain a sense of agility while there are in mist of difficulties. The poet show case a point using metaphor and figurative language to pass her information across to her reader.
Reviewing the first stanza, the poem opens up with the first line, which encourages every youth out to keep moving even if like they are losing it. The poet always urge her reader to spread words of encouragement to anybody (especially the youth) around them that is going through hard times in life. Line two continues to encourage youth who feel that not make progress in life. They feel like they are stagnant while other are moving. Line three and four ending the stanza with the need to refill every faith or sense of that we have lost in things. Why? Our perceptive has a lot to shape how we tackle things or handle a situation that looks.
Stanza two picture scene of how one can regain their stand and all they have lost in the journey of life. How can one rise while they still on ground. Despite the defeat and losses in life, it is on how term to decide how the story of our life will end and woe to anyone who give up suddenly or easily or along this journey to survive. The poet strictly point that in line 6 “Unite the pieces of the broken old lad” which simply means that we should gather of mind, body and soul together and keep moves when it around us seem to fall apart. Even when we look broken in so many ways because of circumstances and tragedy events happens that shatter of moment of peace, joy and happiness, always find a way back to re write your story.
Finally the last stanza concluded the poem with a remark to spread our story (both the good and the bad moment) and give a encourage those who are facing that we once faced. To every souls that says “I’m tired” it is our sole responsibility to see that they didn’t give up. We help ourselves by helping others and we tell our story better by pulling up our fellow youths that have hit the button lines of life. That’s how we strengthen each other life.