Their blood is warmth as their dream
Hope flys on the wings of passion
They have vision, vigor and vim
Willing to plant their seed of life
Youth are dreamer of dream
In them, we bore the unimaginable
In them, we birth a new world
Youths are harborer of future
Their mind is a cave of creativity
In youths beacon every possiblities
As their dusk echoes what's new
Youth see their dream in right view
Let world give them room to bloom
Let humanity honor their existence
Let culture bless their strengths
Let us fulfill the dreams of the youths
Analysis and Review of the poem by Okoro Amarachi Anastasia
A beautiful poem written by Okoro Amarachi Anastasia about the youth and their dream. It is a poem of sixteen line with rhyme and rhythm, divided in two stanzas. The language is simple and tone is lively, advocating for the youth. This is a great poem written in a favor of the youth and theme is centered on the dream of the
Youths, their pursuit, the strength/ resilience, the validation of their dream, their potential and what the world should do about it. This is poem is an ode to eulogy/ode to the youth.
Looking at the first stanza of the poem, the speaker pointed out the potentials, ability of the youth, praising the youth in a magnificent light. Every young person have a dream to live in, a dream to achieve through their potentials, a vision to realize, a hope that can be quenched, etc. The speaker see the youth as dreamer. They pursue to achieve with zeal and passion. Also, acknowledged youths as a significant vessel that contain the something that birth change and youths are the architect of the future. So the message of the stanza is to show the world the value of this young generation and why their presence in the society should be recognized.
Stanza two continue to adore the youths, speaking of fact that they are creative and talented. The last four line address the world and society to creates a favorable environment that allow them to thrive and bloom and unleash their potential. I believe that young will become the best version of themselves when humanity at large invest in them by meeting up to their financial, psychological, emotional and others.
Some poetic devices used in the poem include;
1. Simile/Metaphor: it is seen in line 1 (Their blood is warmth as their dream), and in line 9 (Their mind is a cave of creativity)
2. Personification: its seen in line 2 (Hope flys on the wings of passion), line 15 (Let culture bless their strengths)
3. Alliteration: it is seen in line 3 (They have vision, vigor and vim) the /v/ sound.
4. Repetition: there are repetition of the words/ phrase like “Let”, “youth”, “in them”, etc.