Though gentle, hopeful drifts we brood,
but age wont be kind enough,
in threescores is when life imbued,
will partial be the earthly stuff;
but you'll still be my fancy then,
when Suns shall be the Shallowest,
and dry as those days -my fingers, pen!
Diluting the persistent best;
then shall I my own mind bereave,
when servile times would near a close,
but will your eyes, mine still deceive,
that greater truth than life propose.
The understanding of our earth,
up till we stay, -the way shall give,
entwine when with a lovers mirth,
we not our age but more shall live;
there I shall be a part of you,
though life may still not worthy be,
but time the hearts as one does sew,
and breeds the soul's eternity.
Soon ladies fine with auburn head,
in youth's subservience shall grow,
with shadows white and lips blood red,
to whom the haste -the world will owe;
but, by the words that reason frowns,
and those that cost if cared for less;
within the gardens, across all towns,
just you my dame this heart possess,
as your my gardens cherished fruit,
could time nor age do you wrong,
your grace can shift a hand from mute,
such do my rhymes to you belong,
and the words, claims that come to me,
be their center, and my days renew,
until the time this soul is free,
and life us quells, an end pursue;
the end of the sojourn we made,
shall love then still be intense more,
when breaths and sight move to a fade,
like youth, your age -I shall adore.
Review of the poem written by Raja Nosherwan, that centers on youths and aging and his lovers. Upholding the live at youth as a memorable one, and praising his lover. Being a youth is time to bloom and enjoy life with love ones which will forever remain as our time passes by. The poets tone is mild and calm speaking into the mind of its reader softly. A poem of fifty line with two stanza. The poem has rhyme scheme (ab ab, cd cd, ef ef …) and rhythms which give it a melody. This is an ode or eulogy that praise and exalt the beauty and wholesome of a love who reminds him his youth days and essence of it.
The first stanza connote the essence of time as a youth and the aging. How we are given seventy years to live in this earth and disappear (see line 3; in threescores is when life imbued). That’s the expected life span of man. The poet talked about the greatest questions of life as we live on earth which revolves around purpose and love. Though, we are born to live temporarily but part of us/memories will be a legacy that will forever be remembered. The poet also speaks about understanding our earth, nature and human, with the need to use of time, especially our youth age preciously and wisely.
In the second stanza seem to kick off with narrative which show that the poets is here admiring his youth lovers. The beginning of stanza depict how the poet praise the beauty of her woman. Recollecting the memories of the good youthful days with his lovers and adoring the beauty attached to it. In summary, the poet makes it feels / look like aging is just a number, we still feel young even when our body have aged.