Ever Tried?
Ever failed?
No matter what, Try again.
Fail again.
Fail better.
Get up and Try again,
The world is yours,
Grab a space and take your place.
Keep your gaze towards the sunshine,
And shadows will fall behind you.
Lit up the night for you are the Light.
Review of the poem written by I.C OKORO AMARACHI ANASTASIA. Pen name is I.C Amar.
This is a short poem of eleven lines with one stanza.
A powerful poem on Failure. A poem that struck the mind of every reader who want to attain success. According to the poet, failure is inevitable and must be acceptable at every point in life. We should not see failure as end of the story, rather as a attempt to step up and try harder. Many young folks today are afraid of failing in Life which limit them from taking steps or risk in life. Youths easily give up when they fail, instead of them to stand and try again.
This is a poem that encourage youths not to give up in life/ their dreams and their goals. It is a poem that remind the youths that failure is not the act of failing but rather it is giving up before they reach their destination. The theme of the poem showcase the fact that life is full of ups and down and we should not mistake those moment that we feel down as “Failing”. Rather we should get up and try again. The honest truth is trying again and again and again is the key points to progress which bring about growth and success. Those hard moments are the times that we learn and unlearn and become better. We gain mastery when consistency is applied in what we are doing whether if is easy or not. So, let’s make peace with discomfort in life, in the pursuit of goals and purpose.
Also, the purpose of this poem is to motivate and encourage every young stars that feels like they can't move on. This poem urges every youths to show a sign of resilience and determination while riding the quest of life. Lines one to line six depict that strength that never accept defeat. Instead, the will to keep going when challenges of life pull them backwards.
In conclusion, the poem communicated the idea that we own our future and we can design the best way we wants. Here in line 7, the poet says “The world is yours” , making known to her readers how powerful they are and how they can design their own world. The poet went further, to create a strong picture of courage and hope in the mind of her readers, showing them the level of control they over their lives. Here, she state “Grab your space, and take your place”, instituting that they should take their place as champions and winners. In the end, she affirm that we are the light in our darkest moment of life so we should shines forth as stars. In other words, we are our own savior when we need saving. So youths should always dare to raise and walk into their Destines, no matter comes their way.